Пол | Жена |
Търся | Мъже |
Възраст | 27 |
Височина | 5'4" - 5'6" [160 см - 170 см] |
Тегло | 100 - 120 фунта [45 - 55 кг] |
Коса | Брюнетки |
Очи | Кафяви |
Етнос | Европейски |
Езици | Английски, Руски |
Роден град | Buenos Aires |
Полово окосмяване | Бръсната |
Гръдна обиколка | Среднa |
Дупе | Голямо |
Можете да задавате платени въпроси по теми, които Ви интересуват, за да научите повече за soulbody!
1. What’s your favorite sex position?
I love positions like doggy style, sideways, prone, cowgirl and with my legs on the man's shoulders. I also like to try new things
2. Why morning sex is the best?
This is the best reason to be late for work. I think that it should be even at the legislative level
3. Domination or obedience?
Dominance. A man is always the head, and a woman is the neck, and whichever way the neck turns...
4. What was your best orgasm?
I can't pick one best orgasm. Lovens vibrating in me and an active man are the best helpers to get multiple orgasms
5. Where would you like to have sex?
Im not only like her sex at home, but spontaneous, unexpected, with the risk of being noticed. For example on the beach
Аматьорски клипове на soulbody
1. Я не крашу ногти на руках и на ногах / I do not paint nails.
2. Я никогда не покупала презервативы / I never bought condoms.
3. У меня свои губы, грудь, ресницы / I have all natural: lips, breasts, eyelashes.
4. Я никогда не варила борщ (с супами всё в порядке) / I never cooked borsch (with soups everything are all right).
5. Я не пользуюсь духами / I do not use perfume
6. Я не смотрю новости и не интересуюсь политикой / I do not watch the news and are not interested in politics.
7. У меня 35й (если быть точнее, даже 34,5) размер стопы / My foot size 35 (to be more exact, even 34,5) .
8. Я могу казаться серьезной, строгой и злой, это правда на 50%. Я отношусь к людям так, как они ко мне / I can seem serious, strict and angry, it's true by 50%. I treat people the way they do to me. Я очень принципиальный человек и не люблю повторять дважды / I am a very principled person and do not like to repeat twice.
9. В подростковом возрасте писала стихи и мечтала стать писателем / In my teens I wrote poetry and dreamed of becoming a writer
10. Я не верю в бога, но верю в высшие силы, в том числе мистику / I do not believe in God, but I believe in higher powers, including mysticism.
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